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Whether they're from a distant galaxy, the Milky Way, or our own solar system, the aliens are here. Do they hide just outside our view or do they mingle among us? How do they perpetrate this global cover-up? Do they collude with our governments or is this a massive demonstration of mind control?
Hide In Plain Sight
Sun, 02/21/2016 - 13:11
The AWE (Alien Wrestling Entertainment)
Truthsayer 7
Mon, 02/29/2016 - 12:54
Be Kind, Rewind
Are the aliens coming? They've already arrived!
I was able to obtain this secret footage of a devastating alien attack!
Sadly, after years of effort to translate the alien speech, this encounter has been shown to be a tragic misunderstanding.
The government has done everything it can to conceal this wanton destruction of alien life but I, at great personal risk to myself, bring the truth to you.
Cat Out Of Bag
Tue, 03/01/2016 - 18:07
The Alien Delinquents
For years scientist have been trying to contact beings from another planet. It has finally happened!!! But imagine their disappointment when the aliens were found to be nothing but a bunch of delinquents.
Watch as they try to rip off a police car for a joyride.
This alien contact has been classified Top Secret but I have eyes and ears everywhere.
Hide In Plain Sight
Sat, 03/12/2016 - 17:22
Extraterrestrial Robot Doing Hard Time
The whole world has been waiting for contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence. This was never intended for public disclosure but a robotic probe landed just outside of Kyoto Japan.
Imagine the excitement in the scientific community. Discussions, at times very heated, were held by the greatest minds around the world as a presentation showing the nature of mankind was being assembled for display to the alien robot. Everything came to a halt when the Kyoto police responded to a silent alarm at a Sony warehouse. The robot was captured attempting to beam hundreds of PS4 consoles and "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" DVDs to the mother ship hiding on the dark side of the moon. The robot is imprisoned in a super-secret high security prison known only to individuals sharing the highest security ratings for their nations. I was able to capture this short film clip by sneaking into the prison when a PSIA (Public Security Intelligence Agency) agent was photographing security measures containing the probe.
The robot is doing 3 to 7 years for burglary. This relatively light sentence is due to this being the robots first offense on this planet. Secret agencies around the world have tried to suppress this story but nothing gets past Odd Conspiracy Central.