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Truthsayer 7
Wed, 06/22/2016 - 20:31
The Haunted Root Cellar
Spooky. That was the word for it. Spooky. May 22nd, 2016, everybody in town heard the sounds. Pikeville Kentucky, small town America, everybody knows everybody, one sheriff (Andy), one deputy (Barney), a safe haven in a chaotic world. A safe haven until that night. The town menfolk met at Floyd's Barber Shop to discuss the situation. Otis (known to hit the bottle a bit) swore the sounds were coming from the old Wilson farm root cellar. This was met with derision from most of the men in the room but Otis' next words chilled everyone to the bone. Luckily young Opie recorded the moment on his iPhone:
What the townsfolk didn't know but what I was able to discover through partially concealed public real estate records is that the old Wilson farm had been bought by Dennis Rodman and the sounds emanating from the root cellar came from just another one of his infamous hedonistic parties.
Dennis denies this of course but I will always reveal the truth. I can only pity the townsfolk, if they contact anyone in Newport Beach they'll realize the horror is only just beginning.
All Seeing Eye
Thu, 10/20/2016 - 20:23
Sir Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow is one of the good guys. I guy you want to see succeed. He jumped to the rescue of a heart attack victim on his flight from Atlanta to Phoenix. He stepped in to help a fan experiencing a seizure at one of his minor league baseball games. A great guy but he just can't seem to make it to the that elite class of players in either his football or baseball career.
Here, at Odd Conspiracy Central, I will finally disclose the true reason. Sports is not Tim Tebow's primary career! He practices sports but not to near the extent that he practices for his main job. Tim Tebow is a Knight Templar.
It's true, he is hear to defend mankind during the End of Days. When your choice is between being a great ballplayer or saving the world from eternal damnation, I think Tim has made the right choice.
All Seeing Eye
Sun, 12/18/2016 - 17:39
Ryan Gosling, Incognito
Ryan Gosling, is famous for his roles as Noah in "The Notebook", the creepy Richard Haywood in "Murder by Numbers", and his newest, Sebastian in "La La Land". He is also known to be quite the musician.
But what you don't know is he likes to hop on his bike, incognito, and cruise up the California coastline. Don't believe me? Check out this rare footage of him in an impromptu concert at El Capitan State Beach:
Sorry to blow your cover Ryan but the truth must be told. Don't let it stop you though. Just get your motor runnin', head out on the highway. You were born to be wild Ryan.