The big, the small, the beautiful, the hideous, all the amazing creatures.
Titan Beetle
A Titan beetle's jaws can snap a pencil in half.
Creative Commons:Gran Elefant Dret
Gran elefant dret (giant standing elephant) was displayed in Madrid, Spain, in 2009.
Creative Commons:Jaguar
Jaguars are good swimmers. They hunt in water for fish, turtles, and caiman crocodiles.
The Kelpies
The Kelpies are 30 meter tall horse head sculptures near Falkirk, Scotland.
Wiccaphobia is the fear of witches and witchcraft.
Creative Commons:Lenny, The Chocolate Moose
Scarborough, Maine, is home to Lenny the chocolate moose.
Creative Commons:Giant Sheep Building
Tirau, New Zealand, is the site of a giant sheep building.
Creative Commons:Lucy The Elephant
Margate, New Jersey, is the home of Lucy the Elephant. Lucy is made of tin and wood and is six stories tall.