The big, the small, the beautiful, the hideous, all the amazing creatures.
Thorny Dragon
The Thorny Dragon, Australia's spooky lizard.
The famous giant ants from the 1954 film "Them!". One of the great 1950s giant bug films.
The Eye Creature
The invading alien from the 1965 public domain film "The Eye Creatures". This film is a remake of the 1957 public domain film "Invasion of the Saucer Men" (did we really need two?)
The 1955 film "Tarantula". One of the great giant bug movies.
The succubus, the demon enchantress who seduces the strength from humans.
Strigoi, the vampires, the dead who survive on the blood of their victims.
Star-Nosed Mole
From eastern Canada to the state of Georgia in the United States, imagine one of these digging itself out of your back yard.
Stargazer Fish
If you're a small fish, this semi-buried face will be the last thing you ever see.