The big, the small, the beautiful, the hideous, all the amazing creatures.
Monkey Parchment Coffee
Monkey Parchment coffee is coffee made from beans that have been chewed up and spat out by Rhesus monkeys. It is priced at about $300 a pound.
Woolgathering is defined as purposeless thinking or daydreaming. The saying comes from the 16th century and literally means "gathering fragments of wool torn from sheep by bushes".
The Salmon Of Knowledge
The Salmon of Knowledge is located in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Creative Commons:Salps
Salps are barrel shaped plankton that form together into long chains. They move around by using jet propulsion.
Creative Commons:Geography Cone
The geography cone has the strongest venom of all cone snails. The poison is strong enough to kill a human. The venom is a mix of hundreds of different toxins with no antivenom. The only treatment is to try to keep the injured party alive until the toxins wear off.
A cockatrice is a mythical two legged dragon with a rooster's head.
Brazilian Treehopper
Bocydium globulare, the Brazilian treehopper.
Barbados Threadsnake
At 4 inches, the Barbados threadsnake is the smallest snake in the world.