The big, the small, the beautiful, the hideous, all the amazing creatures.
Coconut Crab
A coconut crab's claws have a squeezing force over 3000 newtons as opposed to a human grip strength of about 300 newtons.
Kittens have the sharpest animal claws in the world.
A Crocodile has 60 to 72 teeth.
Arthropleura is an extinct millipede that lived around 300 million years ago. At a length of 7 1/2 feet, it is believed to be the largest known land invertebrate of all time.
Creative Commons:Blue Whale
A blue whale's tongue weighs about 3 tons.
Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula
The Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula has one inch fangs.
Creative Commons:HeftrdevistatingSquid
A squid has three hearts.
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