Hide In Plain Sight
Sun, 02/28/2016 - 08:17
Who doesn't love a Taco Bell taco? C'mon, we all love a Taco Bell taco.
However, in an attempt to expand their clientele, using a test market in Pismo Beach California, Taco Bell released their sushi menu.
Results weren't very favorable.
In fact, Taco Bell has paid $ millions to suppress the story but here on Odd Conspiracy Central no one can hide.
Hide In Plain Sight
Sun, 02/21/2016 - 13:14
Hide In Plain Sight
Sun, 02/21/2016 - 13:11
Truthsayer 7
Sun, 02/28/2016 - 14:21
What Big Eyes You Have
"What big eyes you have." "The better to hypnotize you with." A species of subterranean humanoids are in the process of taking over the world.
These humanoids have been evolving along side of humans but are still unknown to us. How could they stay hidden over thousands of years? Because anyone who comes in contact with them is hypnotized into doing their will. An errant cellphone has finally captured proof of their existence.
How many of us are their unwilling servants? Your neighbors? Your friends? Our world leaders? How can we possibly know?