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Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Covens, satanic cults, poltergeists, vampires, werewolves...
Truthsayer 7
Fri, 03/04/2016 - 20:50
Deadly Swamp Abominations
Cat Out Of Bag
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 16:06
The Haunted Health Spa
The Stewart Mineral Springs Retreat is famous for it's world renowned healing mineral springs.
The only problem, it's haunted!!! Details are hazy but the ghost has been tentatively identified as Arty "Snake Oil" McScheme, married to the beautiful Prudence McScheme, a favorite niece of Henry Stewart. Arty forced poor Prudence, much to her shame, to sell his patent medicines out of a rickety wagon they called home.
Prudence made the mistake of accidentally telling Arty about her rich uncle's health spa. Arty, of course, immediately saw an opportunity to fleece Stewart's wealthy customers. Was Prudence's indiscretion truly an accident? Arty disappeared on the night of their arrival at the spa. Due to Arty's extensive criminal record and Henry Stewart's high regard in the community, the local sheriff considered Arty a miscreant that had abandoned his wife and the case was closed. Now I will finally reveal the dark secret you won't hear from the helpful staff or find in the brochures. Arty is still seeking Prudence who he blames for his murder. Arty, not known to be the brightest bulb on the tree, occasionally mistakes innocent women for Prudence. I was able to hide a camera to capture this footage.
The staff was finally able to pull this poor woman from the mineral spa but not only was she severely traumatized, her hands were very wrinkly for hours after the incident. Stewart Mineral Springs Retreat has compensated her for her pain, suffering, and wrinkles but I am exposing this incident so that all patrons may be forewarned of a possible paranormal encounter.
Cat Out Of Bag
Sat, 03/12/2016 - 12:26
Quetzalcoatl, The Angry Parrot
Quetzalcoatl, worshiped by the Aztecs centuries ago, has long been considered just a myth. How could this creature possibly hide among us for so long?
A small expedition was exploring a newly discovered set of ruins in the state of Michoacan de Ocampo. There were no survivors. The Mexican government has done everything possible to suppress all evidence of this encounter but this small film clip has been smuggled out and delivered to me.
See the proof here exclusively on Odd Conspiracy Central.
Truthsayer 7
Mon, 04/18/2016 - 13:24
The Peeping Monster
This untold story happened at the Alpha Omicron Pi chapter of Georgia Southern University. Nancy Allen and her boyfriend Gary were "studying" in the common room when Nancy saw a hideous face peering at them through the window.
After calming Nancy down (three shots of Jack Daniels), Gary, Nancy, and her sorority sisters gave chase to the scopophilic demon (it was a gallon of Jack Daniels so there was plenty of liquid courage to go around). It was getting dark but luckily they still had some jumbo sparklers left over from the Fourth of July kegger. One of the sisters recorded this footage on her cell phone:
They figured this was a justifiable homicide until they found out the monster was actually Toby Robinson. Toby Robinson was a freshman Chemistry major with really bad skin, teeth in dire need of an Orthodontist, and hairy palms (I won't go into how he got those). He had mistaken the sorority for the 24 hour chemistry lab and ran away because, obviously, he didn't like bright lights. Nancy, Toby, and the sisters swore each other to secrecy but I was able to recover this video from a deleted Facebook post. Looks like it's time to face up to the truth.