All the information that you never needed, but sorta wanted to know.
Hold Your Horses
In book 23 of Homer's Iliad, Menelaus tells Antilochus to "hold your horses" for driving his chariot dangerously during a race.
Pi, or Archimedes' constant, is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. If it doesn't make sense, divide it by Pi.
Imaginary Number
An imaginary number is the square root of -1. Since there is no square root of -1, imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky, imagine all the people living for today, they're still not going to find the square root of -1.
Planck Time
Planck time is considered the smallest length of time. It is the time it takes light to travel a distance of one Planck length in a vacuum. A Planck length is about 10 to the -20th times the size of a proton. The Planck length is considered the smallest usable measure of length.
Haserot Angel
The Haserot Angel is located at the Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll is located under the Aurora Bridge in Seattle, Washington.
San Jose, California is home to the world's largest Monopoly board.
Linonophobia is the fear of string.