All the information that you never needed, but sorta wanted to know.
Deadliest Insect
The deadliest insect in the world is the mosquito. it kills 725,000 people every year by injecting deadly pathogens directly into a person's bloodstream while sucking their blood. Pathogens including malaria, west nile virus, rift valley fever, yellow fever, lymphatic filariasis and encephalitis.
Lyme Disease
The deer tick. Infected specimens transmit Lyme disease to unlucky individuals.
At 37.6 million people, Tokyo has the largest population of any city in the world.
Opossums have opposable thumbs on their hind feet.
Postage Stamp
Grace Kelly was the first actress on an American postage stamp. The stamp was issued in 1993. A commemorative 2 euro coin with her image was issued in 2007.
Gibbons walk upright more than any other ape.
Magic 8 Ball
The Magic 8 Ball was inspired by an 8-ball used as a fortune-telling device in the 1940 Three Stooges short "You Nazty Spy".